- Be kind to yourself and look after yourself. Try to eat well and exercise.
- Stay in a good routine – get up and go to bed at the same time every day.
- Avoid alcohol and drugs.
- Focus on what you can do – look into volunteering in a local organisation like your local Traveller organisation or youth and community centre while you are looking for a job. This might help you get a job at a later stage.
- Keep applying for jobs and get help with applying. Look at some of the tips below.
- If you are having a hard time getting the job you want, think about going back to education or training.
- If your mood is very low for a long time then it is important to talk to someone. There are services available – check out some of the services on the next page.

If you are under 18, it is best to try and stay in education and finish secondary school. You will have much better chances of employment if you have better educational qualifications on your CV.

Look into further training or getting an apprenticeship in the area you would like to go into. There are a lot of Further Education and Training Courses available. Your local Education and Training board can give you more information on these courses.

Look into adult education or third level courses – there are many Travellers in third level now and there is support available to help you find the right course for you. Contact your local Traveller organisation for advice.

There are lots of training and education supports available and these services can give you good advice on where to start. Check out Citizens Information for more advice.

If you do apply for a job and it is your first time writing a CV – get some help writing the CV and doing a mock job interview. It is not easy to write a CV or go into an interview and we all need a helping hand learning these new skills. Intreo is a service which can help you learn how to write a CV and connect you with job opportunities. Organise to drop into your local Intero office.
You can always link in with
your local Traveller organisation
or Traveller Primary Health
Care Project.
Free counselling service for Travellers over 18.
Contact: 086 308 1476 or [email protected]
Provides free information on mental health services in your area.
Contact: 1800 111 888 or www.yourmentalhealth.ie
CHILDLINE (for under 18s)
Confidential 24/7 service which offers support to under 18’s.
Contact: 1800 66 66 66
or text 50101 or chat line on www.childline.ie
Traveller specific service offering mental health services to Travellers like counselling and therapy.
Contact: 01 872 1094 or
Provides information on money and financial advice.
Contact: 0761 07 2000
or www.ntmabs.org