A drug is something that affects your mind and body, meaning it can affect the way our brain works and how we behave.
There are many different types of drugs that come in different forms such as tablets, powder, crystals, liquid and dried leaves which can be swallowed, snorted, smoked or injected.
A drug can be dangerous because it is very strong. You can easily become dependent on it. Drugs can also be dangerous if we are not aware of the possible effects of it. People can overdose on a drug by taking too much of it and this can cause death.
- Because they are interested in how they will feel or want to use them
- Other Travellers they hang around with use them
- To help them cope or if they are feeling down, stressed or anxious
- Because they enjoy the feeling from drugs – they may feel calm, excited or have energy
- They may have become addicted to drugs

- Just because someone you know did not have a bad reaction doesn’t mean you won’t
- Just because you may have used drugs before that does not mean the next time you use drugs that something won’t happen
- Anxiety
- Low moods/feeling depressed
- Suicidal thoughts
- Thoughts going ninety
- Acting suddenly without thinking
- Foggy thinking
- Feeling disconnected from reality
- Memory loss
- Paranoia and hallucinations (seeing and hearing things that are not there or real)
- Depression
- Anxiety or drug induced illnesses such as drug induced psychosis or drug induced schizophrenia
- Sick, dizzy, light-headed, weak
- Low blood pressure
- Your breathing might slow down or your body might go into a sedative state (coma or sleep)
- Your heart rate might increase
- Liver and/or kidney damage
- Ulcers
- Blood borne viruses such as hepatitis and HIV
- Lung disease
- Brain damage
- Cancer
- Heart problems such as cardiac arrest and stroke
- Am I happy or worried about my overall drug use?
- Am I using more and/or do I need to use more amounts (this is known as increased tolerance)
- Do I spend a lot of time thinking about using drugs?
- Do I have cravings or a need to use drugs to feel better?
- Is my drug use starting to affect things that matter to me like my relationships with family or friends, school, college, sports or work?
- Has my drug use made me moody, quiet, start fights, sad or am I hanging around with different people that I wouldn’t usually hang around with?
- Am I having money issues such as spending more money than I have or asking for more money than usual, not paying bills, spending the weekly family money?
HSE Drug and Alcohol Helpline 1800 459 459
Email [email protected]
Talk to your GP for more information.
Narcotics Anonymous
01 672 8000
Cocaine Anonymous
087 317 4989
Alcoholics Anonymous
01 842 0700
To find your local addiction service: