- Feeling sad for a number of weeks
- A low mood for a number of weeks
- Feeling like you want to cry a lot
- Feeling like nothing seems fun
- Feeling like you have no motivation
- Feeling very sensitive to what people say
- Finding it hard to get up and go to school or work
- Feeling like you have no confidence
You might also:

Eat less or eat more

Have headaches or pains in your tummy

Feel like you cannot concentrate

Sleep badly
If you are feeling low in yourself remember that you can get help to support you through this difficult time. There is also things you can do to help yourself feel better.
Depression is often helped with therapy or medication.
Other things you can do are:
- Remember to exercise, starting even with 10 minutes a day. Exercise can help our mood.
- Eat well and include fruit and vegetables in what you eat every day.
- Avoid drugs or alcohol. Alcohol makes feelings of depression and low mood worse.
- You may find mental health supports useful – check out the list in the blue panel.
You can always link in with
your local Traveller organisation
or Traveller Primary Health
Care Project.
Your GP
Talk to your GP for more information.
Free 24/7 texting service offering support to anyone that texts
PAVEE to 50808.
CHILDLINE (for under 18s)
Confidential 24/7 service which offers support to under 18’s.
Contact: 1800 66 66 66
or text 50101 or chat line on
Provides support to anyone
who needs to talk and someone to listen.
Contact: 116 123
Provides free support and
information to anyone 18
and over on depression
and bipolar disorder.
Open Monday-Sunday, 10am–10pm.
Contact: 1800 804 848 or
Provides free information on mental health services in your area.
Contact: 1800 111 888 or
Free counselling service for Travellers over 18.
Contact: 086 308 1476 or [email protected]
Traveller specific service offering mental health services to Travellers like counselling and therapy.
Contact: 01 872 1094 or